Très Amigos feat. Trevor Bryan Cotton - Bludge - Greg Dear
Très Amigos feat. Trevor Bryan Cotton - Bludge - Greg Dear

Très Amigos feat. Trevor Bryan Cotton - Bludge - Greg Dear

Lyric's Underground (Maylands, WA)
Thursday, 10 April 2025 7:00 pm
29 days away
18 Plus

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GA1 (Unreserved mixed seating)
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Trevor Bryan Cotton returns to Perth this April, to tread the boards once more with old mates and local stalwarts, Greg Dear and Bludge.

Greg knows these dry and dusty streets better than most, having fronted The Holy Rollers and The Beautiful Losers since the mid-'80s. He's been popping over east regularly for quick-fire solo tours, though you'd most recently have seen him in all-star tributes to Lou Reed, Bowie and The Triffids. As robust as the crust on toast, he'll make yer hair curl.

Bludge may seem an enigma - especially in light of his new team Phantom Island - though he's just a regular Joe, having fronted one of this town's most beloved scuzzy-garage-punk bands, The Painkillers. Expect a bit of dirt between the seams.

Trevor thought he'd be able to get away with not playing for an extended period, but there's an itch just below his shoulder blades which only a guitar pick can reach. Taking time out from producing a musical biopic on Alexander Downer, he's premiering the LP "Coburg-19", released with Melbourne band FONT last year. There'll be a slight diversion through previous works with FroHawk, Emperors, The Jaycos and The Community Chest.
With any luck, the boys will band together at the end to whip the horses into shape for a hoodoo hoedown finale.


Venue mode for this show is GA1

GA1 = Unreserved mixed seating: Minimum 95% mixed low chairs & high stools
GA2 = Unreserved limited mixed seating: Minimum 70% mixed low chairs & high stools
GA3 = Standing with limited high stools: Minimum 40% high stools
GA4 = Standing: Minimum 25% high Stools